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Hawai'i Prayer Breakfast 2024 Sponsorship

Thank you for your interest in sponsoring a table at the annual Hawaii State Prayer Breakfast. If you desire to donate other than sponsoring a table choose your sponsorship level below.


Contributions from our sponsors enable the prayer breakfast committee to invite the Governor of the State of Hawaii, Mayors of all counties, legislators, council members, government officials of various departments, military leaders, high school students, and others to participate in the event, as well as assist in covering expenses.


Depending on the sponsorship level you select, you are entitled to a certain number of complimentary event tickets that you may use for you/your guests, or donate back to the Hawaii Prayer Breakfast to seat sponsored community leaders.


Thank you very much for your generous contribution to support this event.


Please see the various Sponsor levels below, select and complete the required fields*. All sponsorship levels are entitled to optimized table locations based on the level of sponsorship, as well as recognition in the event program and media displays.

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